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Summer Camp!!


A Summer of Music with the NOVA School of Music at LePort Montessori Aldie

  • June 17-21: French Soiree

    • Elementary 2:15 - 2:55 What is a French Soiree? We'll study French composers, their writing style and learn French songs for our own soiree!  "La vie est belle"

    • After School (Primary) 3:15 - 4:00 and 4:00 - 4:45  "La vie est belle"

    • After School (Toddler) • "Friends Together" 3:15 - 4:00 Our world is our family and our small circle of friends. We will celebrate our "French-Ships" with our voices and instruments!

  • June 24-28: At the Farm

    • Elementary Music 1:15 - 2:00 -  Children love animals! Using animals voices to discover the world of music is magical. We will learn high, low, legato, staccato and much more by using these fun and friendly characters to help teach us the world of music!

    • Rising K & 6 yr. old (must be 5 by 9/30/19) 2:00-2:45 Same lesson as above.

    • After School (Primary) - 3:15-4:00  We will sing, learn and act out poetry about our animal friends, along with listening and moving to Saint-Saëns - Le Carnaval Des Animaux (The Carnival of the Animals.) 

    • After School  3:15 - 4:00   (Toddler Ages 18 mos.-3 yrs.) 

    • 4:00-4:45  (3-4 year olds) The children will delight in using animals voices to help us sing, dance, recite rhymes, finger-play and moving to  Saint-Saëns - Le Carnaval Des Animaux (The Carnival of the Animals.) These activities lay a strong foundation for language, expression, rhythm and pitch.

  • July 1-2: No Camps

  • July 8-12: Music for Theatre ("Broadway Bound" is Joy of Dance's Title, so we're running with that to do a week of "Adventures in Theater")

    • Elementary 1:15 - 2:00 We will learn the difference between an opera and a musical and learn to sing some of the best that Broadway has to offer! 

    • Rising K & 6 yr. old (must be 5 by 9/30/19) 2:00-2:45 "You Can Sing Too! Use of call-and response songs, vocal patterns and singing games will be used to help develop your child's voice. Notation, musical symbols and rhythm will be introduced through manipulates and fun activities.

    • After School (Primary) - 4:00-4:45  Same as rising K & 6 yr.

    • After School (Toddler 18 mos.-3 yr) 3:15 - 4:00   "Sing With Me"

    • 4:00-4:45 (3-4 year olds) (Same for both toddler classes) We will tap jingles, rhythm sticks, dance with bears and march with our "Talking Drum."

  • July 15-19: "Aah, Music & Food!"

    • Elementary class 2:15-3:00 We'll enjoy learning fun songs about food from different cultures and even write one of our own! 

    • After School (Primary) - "Aah, Music & Food!" 3:15 - 4:00 We'll sing and dance to music about food. We'll write our own verses and use percussive instruments to accompany us as we sing!

    • After School (Toddler 18 mos.-3 yr) • 3:15-3:40 (same as above)

    • After School (Toddler 3-4 yr)  4:00 - 4:45  

  • July 22-26 "Music Around the World"

    • World of Music (9:00-12:00 $85 fee) "Begin or improve note reading skills, rhythm, sight-reading, ensemble playing, glimpses at composer's lives, their writing style, their place in music history all in a fun-first approach!" 

    • Rising K & 1st  (2:15-3:00?)  We will learn, listen, play and dance to music from African, Asia and beyond using drums, marimbas and other percussive instruments in an ensemble setting. 

    • After School (Primary) "Music Around the World" 4:00-4:45 (Dance is at 3:15) 

    • After School (Toddler) "Music In My Backyard" 

    • 3:15-4:00 (18 mos.-3 yr) Discovering nature's voices that are heard in our backyard through call and response, rhymes and song.

    • 4:00-4:45 (3 & 4 yr) Same as above

  • July 29 - August 2: "Let's Groove to the Music!"

    • Elementary: 2:15 - 3:00 We will learn how music developed in America during the 20th century from folk music with barn dances, line dancing to swinging with jazz and big band! 

    • After School (Primary) - "Let's Groove to the Music" 3:15 - 4:00 An introduction to  the world of instruments, what "family" they belong to, what they look and sound like. Instruments will be brought in to touch, hear and see!

    • After School (Toddler) - "Dance, Play & Sing!" Toddlers

    • 18 mos.-3 yr 3:15-4:00  Colors, numbers, rhythm and melodic dictation will be taught through sound, dance and finger play as we "Groove to the Music."

    • 3 & 4yr. 4:00-4:45 Same as above 

  • Aug. 5-9 - "Weather Sounds Make Music!" 

    • Elementary 2:15-2:55 We will listen to great masterpieces written by composers about weather to stimulate our creativity and imagination. We will then use instruments to create our own "weather music."

    • After School (Primary) "Weather Sounds Make Music!" 3:15 - 4:00 Same as above.

    • After School (Toddler) "Making Rain, Wind & Thunder" 

    • 3:15-4:00 (18 mos.-3 yr) Listen, making and moving to weather sounds stimulates creativity and imagination. Story telling, finger play and instruments will be used to make our own weather. 

    • 4:00-4:15 (3 & 4) Same as above

  • Aug. 12-16 "The Garden" 

    • Elementary 2:15-2:55 Music is like a garden, you plant the seed, practice it and watch your skills grow. We will be tying our knowledge, learned from our summer studies, and delving deeper into reading music, rhythm, singing, playing instruments and enjoying the "fruits of our labor." 

    • After School (Primary) 3:15 - 4:00 We will be listening and moving to Saint-Saens:  The Turtle, along with singing and playing instruments to songs about our garden to strengthen our rhythm, pitch and the joy of making music.

    • After School (Toddler 18 mos.-3 yr) 3:15-4:00 We will use hoops to sing "All Around the Garden" to strengthen concepts of in/out, up/down, listen and move to Saint-Saens: The Turtle, sing about John the Rabbit and fly like a bluebird!

    • After School (Toddler 3-4) 4:00-4:45 Same as above

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